Independent Living Skills (ILS) Transitional Home
A residential home in Savage, MN where young adults with mild developmental disabilities live, learn, grow, and attain independence. Our unique setting is designed to be “home” for young adults for up to 18 months. Heartstrings prepares each young adult for the successful completion of our program by focusing on 8 components.
8 Components of Real Independent Living
- Cleanliness: To the best of their ability, each young person will be able to identify and demonstrate essential information about "cleanliness" of both themselves and their environment. Example group sessions include; personal hygiene, using the washing machine, changing a light bulb, and cleaning a bathroom.
- Cooking: To the best of their ability, each young person will be able to identify and demonstrate essential information about "cooking". Example group sessions include; making an egg, properly storing food, nutrition, and adjusting recipes to feed more or less people.
- Finances: To the best of their ability, each young person will be able to identify and demonstrate essential information about "finances". Example group sessions include; knowing the value of coins/cash, using a check register, budgeting/saving, and accurately completing county forms.
- Health: To the best of their ability, each young person will be able to identify and demonstrate essential information about "health". Example group sessions include; identifying signs and symptoms of illness, knowing not to take others medications, physical, emotional, spiritual, and sexual well-being, and the importance of having medical insurance.
- Safety: To the best of their ability, each young person will be able to identify and demonstrate essential information about "safety". Example group sessions include; proper storage of cleaning supplies, awareness of surroundings, inclement weather safety, and identifying internet scams.
- Support Network: To the best of their ability, each young person will be able to identify and demonstrate essential information about their "support network". Example group sessions include; the importance of family and friends, identifying friends, reciprocity, and accepting invitations from others.
- Transportation: To the best of their ability, each young person will be able to identify and demonstrate essential information about "transportation". Example group sessions include; bicycle safety, taking the bus, arranging for other transportation, and costs associated with transportation.
- Work:To the best of their ability, each young person will be able to identify and demonstrate essential information about "work". Examples group sessions include; why work or have a career, filling out an application/resume, applying for college, and the importance of customer service.
For more information or to make a referral, please contact our Executive Director, Sara at 651-260-0936 or send an email to
Mission Statement: Heartstrings Unlimited is committed to promoting self-sufficiency of MN young adults by fostering independence, supporting individuality, and inspiring life-long skills in a safe environment.
Vision Statement: All children and young adults are active, productive, and contributing members within the community.